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  • Jenny Stotts

Meet the Team: Stephanie Smith

Stephanie Smith is a Junior at Ohio University studying Child and Family Studies. She is from Dublin, Ohio, and will be completing her internship during the Fall of 2022.

What brought you to work for CASA?

I was introduced to CASA while taking a Child and Family Studies class and took an interest in it. It was something I had not heard of before, and it seemed like such a great organization. This semester I was required to find a 75-hour field placement site to intern at, and that’s when I reached out to CASA and now, here I am!

Why is CASA important?

CASA is important because it gives children a chance to be heard and be advocated for when they might not be able to do it on their own. This organization prioritizes the welfare and safety of kids so that they get to have opportunities and homes that will allow them to develop and thrive! CASA sees possibility and hope in each child they work with, and fights to have the child, and those around them, see that as well.

What do you do outside of CASA?

Outside of CASA I lead “Young Life” which is a Christian organization, and I am placed at Logan high school, I coach tennis there as well! I spend a lot of time with my roommates and friends.

How do you wind down? Any self-care tips?

I wind down by going on walks on the bike path, reading books, spending time with my roommates, watching movies, cooking, etc. I love lighting a candle, picking up my room, and preparing for the next day before I go to bed!

What is one thing people may not know about you?

I am 50% Hispanic (Argentinian), and I’ve been to four out of the seven continents!

What is something interesting you learned recently?

I have learned a lot about the importance of listening; listening intentionally makes others feel heard, seen, validated, and known. I’ve also learned about putting others above myself (which I’m not perfect at by any means); it truly is so filling and allows me to learn more about humility and service to others’ needs, while also not neglecting my own.

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