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What to Expect

Athens CASA's most important role in Juvenile Court proceedings is to ensure that the child(ren)'s best interests are considered in all aspects of the case.

A CASA Volunteer or representative will attend court hearings, case reviews and meetings. They may contact you to arrange home visits or ask for additional information. It is important to cooperate with the CASA Volunteer so information can be accurately reported to Juvenile Court.

The CASA Volunteers often needs to speak with the child alone in order to gather independent information related to the child's adjustment and wishes.

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Essential Functions

  1. Fact Finder or Investigator: Research and compiling all relevant facts or information.

  2. ​Reporter: Submitting all relevant facts to the Court.​

  3. Advocate for the Child: Ensuring that the Court has before it all available options which are in the child's best interests.​

  4. Guardian or Protector: Ensuring that the child's interests are fully protected.​​​

  5. Monitor: Ensuring that the Court's orders are carried out and all services are provided and brings to the Court's attention any new developments or changes.


Important Information

Requesting Support & Sharing Grievances

If your case does not have a CASA volunteer appointed, you can still contact the CASA staff person responsible for monitoring your case. They can be reached at the CASA office.


If you have concerns or compliments to report about your experiences with your CASA Volunteer, please contact the office at (740) 592-3255.


If you would like to file a grievance, please contact the Athens CASA Executive Director at or (740) 592-3255 to initiate the process.

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