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Meet the Team: Morgan McCament

Morgan McCament is an Outreach Intern with Athens CASA. She is a student at Alexander High School. She joined the CASA Team in 2021.

What brought you to work for CASA?

I am a student at Alexander High School. I am in the class of 2022. I heard about CASA through a coworker and went to their website. They do amazing work within our community and I wanted to be apart of it. I also needed help figuring out my major and an internship at CASA would help me branch out and learn more about what I want to do in my future.

Why is CASA important? CASA does the work that needs to be done but is often looked over. They also bring the community together and help those who cannot help themselves.

What is your favorite CASA memory? The CASA day celebration of 2021.

What do you do outside of CASA? Outside of CASA, I am a lifeguard. In my free time I love to hike, backpack, and camp with my friends.

How do you wind down? Any self-care tips? I love creating new Pinterest boards on my free time to relax. I also love listening to podcasts of any genre.

What is something interesting you learned recently? CASA volunteers helped over 96,000 kids nationally in the past year.

What is one thing people may not know about you?

I have been competitively figure skating for 8 years.

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