November 13, 2018 | Tara Huffman, Volunteer Coordinator Athens CASA/GAL Program
Have you ever taken a wrong turn, made a mistake, made a poor choice, lost your job, struggled with substance abuse or lived with anxiety or depression?
The families we work with as CASA's (Court Appointed Special Advocates) have experience taking wrong turns.

All families have a road map that has led them to the place they find themselves today. Some road maps may have more wrong turns, some may have more lovely adventures but regardless of what the road map looks like, we all have one.
The families we work with at CASA have unique road maps that have brought them to the attention of the child welfare system and Juvenile court. These road maps deserve a closer look. A closer look with the perspective to ask "what happened to you?" instead of "what is wrong with you?"
The ACE's (Adverse Childhood Experiences) study helps demonstrate an association of adverse childhood experiences with health and social problems across the lifespan.
CLICK HERE to learn more about this study that is changing our perspective and helps give insight into why our road maps may appear a certain way.